You charge what? The real cost behind BDSM sessions

You charge what?? I’m going to give you a behind the scenes glimpse into the monthly expenses of a pro-switch. 

Photoshoots: High quality photoshoots begin from $600-$1700+ for competitive images.

When you attempt to download a creator’s work for free, that negates the time, energy & effort the creator put into paying their photographer, paying for their outfit, studio and travel time, as well as the hours of work spent during the shoot.

Modeling & photography are art and should be respected as much as accounting, tech and finance are. The best thing you can do is go on their platform and pay for their images, which are usually priced at a fraction of the cost of the photoshoot.

Studio costs: 

  • For shooting content, studios range from $95-300 per hour in Los Angeles. 
  • Training: You need to be trained by the best to provide high quality service. Monthly training under a well known Dominatrix in Los Angeles costs anywhere from $400-$10,000 per month.
  • Advertising: While BDSM is not inherently sexual by nature, SESTA and FOSTA are actively demonizing it. This year, Eros, one of the lead online advertising platforms worldwide, and one you need to be on if you want your services to be seen, took BDSM off of their categories and raised their base advertising price in Los Angeles from $85 to $235, more than half the cost of many 1 hour sessions offered by BDSM providers in the Los area. 
  • Dungeon Rental-Dungeon rentals range anywhere from $100 for a non luxury dungeon to $300 for a luxury dungeon-per hour. You can ask for a BDSM provider to come to your place, and safety is also a huge determinant in whether or not they will visit.
  • Again, these costs average almost half or 1/3 of the cost of a session. Some dungeons also charge a quarter of a dominatrix, switch, or submissive’s rate per a set amount of minutes, so take note. 
  • Outfits: Depending on style, non leather outfits, a complete look with heels, or no heels, can range anywhere from $50-$200, whereas leather outfits can begin at $200 and go up from there. 
  • Travel & Parking: Depending on the method and mode of transportation, and distance traveling to and from sessions based on where your client is and where they are available to session, travel can range from $20 per day on the lower end to $100 in Los Angeles, don’t believe it? Come visit!
  • Events, parties, workshops and playtime-these can be anywhere from $20-$120 depending on the event. If you, like I do, play on a weekly basis, the cost adds up. 
  • Beauty-you want your provider to look and feel good during your session, because when she/he looks and feels good, it increases his/her confidence, which in turns heightens the physical, psychological, erotic and emotional connection between you both-that means your provider will, at the bare minimum, have their nails done: ($50-$75), body wax, ($75-$120), hair $50-$200 and if they have the luxury, a great massage before or after your visit. 
  • Videos: High quality videos can range from $250+ including location and studio costs Looking at these costs, it’s clear that you are helping your bdsm practitioner of choice when you honor their rates and send gifts or tribute.

I’ll let you do the cost benefit analysis here. If you want to see more high quality content, and to have access to your BDSM practitioner, you must first respect them and the hard work, time and effort they put into their craft, because this is a unique, rare, highly taboo art form. As a BDSM practitioner, I want you to have the best experience possible. And that starts when I am supported by clients who honor my rates.